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our farm

The Brandlgut-Farm was built in the late 19th century and we assumed responsibility in 2006. After a perennial reconstruction and moderinization phase we are welcoming a huge variety of guest in our re- and self-designed guestrooms since July 2016.

Our farm is a two hectare wineary in a prime location with optimal conditions for cultivating a vine variety called "Lagrein" . But a small part of our farm is reserved for cultivating selected fruits (apples, pears, cherry etc.) and vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pumpkin etc.) which contribute to our self-sufficiency and, of course, are served our guests as well. Additionally, we provide fresh farm-based eggs every morning during breakfast. 

It is very important for us to get in contact with our guests through a personal service – that is why we foster openes. This occurs most effectivly with a morning cup of coffee, fresh biscuits and local delights at our breakfast room which is completely build of spruce wood.

To relax from everyday life we provide our huge shared terrace and sunbathing lawn with a fantastic view on the valley. The kids will definitely love the wide space we provide for playing and romping as well as our small playground with sandbox and a big swing. If you enjoy playing with dogs you will love to get to know Thila and Mira.

You want to find out more about our work as winemakers? We offer small individual guided tours – please feel free to contact us.


01 - Das ist unser Brandlgut
02 - Das Brandlgut am Abend
03 - Das Brandlgut im Schnee
04 - Entspannen Sie auf der oberen Sonnenterrasse
05 - Entspannen Sie auf der unteren Sonnenterrasse
06 - Entspannung und Spaß für Kinder
07 - Unser Frühstücksraum
08 - Zwei hausgemachte Marmeladen sind nur ein Teil unserer Frühstücksauswahl
09 - Täglich frisches Obst für Sie zum Genießen
10 - Thila möchte spielen
11 - Unsere Hühner finden Sie überall auf dem Hof
12 - Eine unserer Katzen
13 - Unser Wein
14 - Einer unserer historischen Traktoren
15 - Christuskreuz